Monday, August 20, 2007

As I build the Ark.......

Well, it looks like today I will be doing my water my basement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today in NE Ohio we so far in the last 5 hours have had over 2 almost 3 inches of rain. My sump pump is keeping up but water has appeared along the south wall of my finished basement. My carpet is wet and I am currently relocating my desk area. All this and I work the next few days and my fall semester for my BS in Nursing online program resumes Monday (the books arrived today). Since I have little to no hair left I can't pulll my hair out.

No weight loss recorded this week. None gained either. I have had to back off my workouts with my workload increasing at work. I am seriously rethinking my nursing managment position and go back to being a staff nurse in the ICU or ER. Make more money with a LOT less stress and only work 3 12hr shifts a week!!!!!!!!!!!! This way I have more time for training.

I was watching ESPN this morning and they had on a trialthele who had subsituted his drug addiction for an addiction to competing in trialthons. HEALTHY SWITCH!!!! Here is the link, soory I don't know how to post it except for doing copy/paste:
Another inspiring story. We all have our own personal demons and addictions to fight. My fight has been with food, only recently have I been able to fully recognize and accept that fact. So, I too am going use the goal of completing a trialthon in 2008 to help me with my fight.
his web site:

Now let me see........the Ark it was 2 of each animal right????????????????

Pictures to come!


bigmike600 said...

Wow. That story brought tears to my eyes. What an inspiration. I wish I had a million dollars to help this guy. What a story. Thanks Steve.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link Steve-O.
We are swimming in WI too. My basement is dry though so far. The sump pumps been in high gear for a couple days though...... ((crossing my fingers))

Pat said...

No rain here. Boy, we'd like some.

I watched that ESPN video. Very impressive. I wish him the best.

Hope you're doing well. I remember our basement in Cincinnati used to always flood. Once, it was waist high.