Monday, June 18, 2007

Bummer Weekend!

Not a good weekend for me. Worked about 45 hours Friday/Sat/Sunday. Am really tried today. Didn't really follow my points this weekend, was really busy and skipped a meal or two and then ended up raiding the damn vending machine.

Well will go to bed early tonite and get up in the am and go for a walk.

Had a Subway salad tonite with a liter of water. I AM FULL!!!!!!!! Not sure of the points but it can't be that many.


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Hey Steve,

Just wanted to say hello and wish you the best of success on your journey. Notice I didn't wish you luck, because luck will have nothing to do with you losing weight and getting yourself into better shape. Weight Watchers is a great program if you can follow it. My wife has just hit her goal weight using the point program. I used calories counting as my way to lose about 110 pounds. I used a website to help me; it is a pay site but had great success with it. If you ever want to discuss anything to do with weight loss, feel free to drop me a email at

Duane said...

Hi Steve! You can do it! Anytime you want to talk just drop me an e-mail. Come visit my site if you have time!